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Startup Weekend Campinas: the teams are working on ...

Lots of work being done at Sartup Weekend Campinas today! Let's talk about the startups!

Some websites/solutions linked below are not totally ready. So, you can follow up the things being done real time :)

PopStyle --> Mo'dia

The fashion recommendation engine.

Team: @pedrolins, @cbergantini, @rrafa, @mennagustavo

Partido Aberto (Open Party - Facebook, @PartidoAberto)

A wiki for direct democracy.

Team: Cristiano Cairoli (@cairoli), Claudio Basckeira (@CMBaskeira), Renato Ezquerro, Guilherme Pereira Zanoni, Weslley Marques (@weslleyanjos), Diego de Araujo e Bruno

Tô com Fome (I'm Hungry) --> Paladar (@paladarapp)

Shared phonebook for food delivery.

Team: @andlima, @guimello_silva, @obvio171, @augustorsouza, @alexandrearc, @lfstrano

Nossos peludos (Our pets - Facebook, @NossosPeludos)

A platform to articulate people and abandoned pets.

Team: @FabianoAmaro, @MarinaSCamargo, Euripedes Guilherme R. de Almeida, @beneti, @danieltdt, @guiceolin, @Pedro_Ruggiero

Colabora / Collaborate (@colaborabr)

Collaborative platform for investments.

Team: @wupsbr, @carloscorcioli, @diegodl

Play2Be (@Play2beWorld, Facebook)

LEARN how to play any musical instrument having FUN.

Team: @joaozaratine, @marcel_ono,@vhmarques, @Jeanfelipelima, @sardagna, @dcontezini, @bbranta

Hobloo (@EspiritoHobloo)

A collaborative platform to learn new hobbies and receive unique offers.

Team: @thiagopaiva, @carlosgarbiatti, @gabrielfern, Steve Rubens, @iedakm, Lucas Torres de Jesus

Death Warning (@deathwarning)

Let everybody knows that you are safe.

Team: @evertonrosario, @MikeBotazzo, @spamkids

RankmeUp (@rankmeupbr)

A platform to rank players and find potential matches nearby with similar skills.

Team: @tganzarolli, Felipe de Camargo, Davi Reis Junior, @rodrigo_bianco, Caio Vechia, Rafael Magalhães

AtacadoE / E-Retailer (@AtacadoE)

Platform of reverse bid for retailers.

Team: @leandroaraujo21, @jpnormal, Juliano Basali, @fheraraujo, @leandro_cleite, @Tâmara Custódio, , @teofilotb, Cristiano Fortes

Bora Comigo / Come with me!

Rides portal.

Team: @landradde, @VizaoRossi, @richardbezerra

NextBlo (former InvestMap)

Facebook app for services' demand mapping.

Team: @leonardogrijo, @andre_nazareth, @domagalhaes, Cleber, Lucas

VideoVivo (

VideoVivo is a geolocation smartphone app for connecting people with common interests via video, live.

Team: @oferbaharav, @rafaelcgo, @williammdias, @juanpinazo, 

Mentor: @flavio_stecca 


Congrats everyone for the hard work and great job so far! All the best for the final session :)


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