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100 talents, 34 pitches and 12 teams

That's the result of our first Startup Weekend day in Campinas.

The session was opened by Igor Santigo (president of Campinas Startups), Rui Rabelo (Development Secretary of Campinas) and Bedy Yang, representing Startup Weekend .org.

The investments panel was composed by Thais Góes Nagata (BM&F Bovespa), Francisco Martinez (Integra) and Marcio Santos Filho (FGV-CEPE/Inseed Investments).

Benedito Fayan, Innovation Director of Telefônica also talked about some innovation projects and the way the company is supporting new startups at the established companies panel.

Because of a huge storm in Rio de Janeiro, Angela Ximenes (ABVCAP) couldn't fly to Campinas. Her presentation will be available for the attendees later.

It's the same reason why Júlio Vasconcellos (Peixe Urbano) arrived later than planned and with time enough just to give his inspiring speach, answer some questions and immediately head back to the airport. Special thanks for the effort and persistancy of several hours at the airport!

After 34 pitches, 12 teams were built in the end of the session. Lots of work to be done ... but in a totally new way for the local entrepreneurial scene!

Thanks a lot to all the speakers, sponsors and good luck for the teams!

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